Monday, October 27, 2008

Ask Dr. PStupid, hitting the fan

If anyone else writes all jumbled up, crammed and no caps they will
not get read nor answered.
PStupid has PSpoken.

"i have question for dr. stupid, who has have much comment about
course.this course will be pure cyclocross course, no? i read comments
about logs and jumps. no desire to bring my handmade dugasts into this
setting, eh? so, dr. stupid, this course would meet approval of
cyclocross founding fathers? uhhhhh... they would rise glass of uhhhh,
fermenting beverage up in praise of course purity no?very fast but
hard to ride fast, no?


I have a more important question for you Mr. Svensmith321 Yahoo,

Why no capitals at the beginning of sentences?
Why everything mushed together into one hard to read paragraph?
Have you no patience or desire for things to look and flow nicely, or
at least make it more readable to the average schmoe?
Or are you sticking it to the man for making all those rules that you
hated so in Jr. High? Nice try but it's just not working there.
You're going to get crammed in your locker here too.
Or are you too busy? Vastly important busy.

Don't like my rules, too bad.

"this course will be pure cyclocross course, no?"
What is pure Cyclocross? Have you ever even been to a Cyclocross
race? Watching them on videos or YouTube does not count. Not even
Are you too busy fiddling w/ your gadgets and reading in some forum to
come out to practice or some such?
Are you one of those dolts that go to any race and find fault w/ it?
Cyclocross is.
Marilla Cross is a fine course. It's a finer course cause it's what
we got and it's going to be a race. That makes it infinitely better
than postulating and pontificating on what it should or shouldn't be.
A few fine folk have put in time trying to develop a nice course. And
they have succeeded. Some other fine folks have come out to practice
and whatnot, to learn things and help test the course.

"i read comments about logs and jumps. no desire to bring my handmade
dugasts into this setting, eh?"
Logs were at Kelley Acres Cross-
There are no logs and jumps at Marilla. There are some scattered
roots and a few rocks.
Have your Dugast's ever been on grass/mud/dirt? I'm guessing not.
Dugasts would be a super fast tyre at Marilla. But you would know how
to ride them and what pressure to run first. And I'm guessing that
w/o checking w/ your inturdnet buddies you'd have no clue.
If I had Dugasts I would run them at Marilla. If I didn't, and I
don't, I would run the biggest good tyre I could find. Right now the
Hutchinson BullDogs are working very well.

"so, dr. stupid, this course would meet approval of cyclocross
founding fathers?"
The Cross founding fathers were riding around in parks and fields and
such on old beat road bikes with the biggest tyres they could find.
They were enjoying bumping around, riding their bikes in somewhat
unfamiliar situations. It was a way to stay warm in the colder
weather, it was a way to improve their bike handling skills, it was
yet another way to have fun on a bike.
It was a hoot.
Then they started racing, cause racing is fun.
Forward now to where too many folks get their Cross fix from video
feeds and forums. Not actually riding much and worrying that they
don't have the right equipment, when indeed, most of us have a bike
sufficient for Cross-riding fun.
Marilla Cross gets the Stamp of Approval because it is.

I would suspect that you might not meet the approval of the founding fathers.

"uhhhhh... they would rise glass of uhhhh, fermenting beverage up in
praise of course purity no?"
Is that like racial purity? Pure breed/designer dogs? Pure wankers?

"very fast but hard to ride fast, no?"
You should show up to a practice and see what it's about first.

See you out there.

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