Wednesday, April 29, 2009

We Do Dumb Things so You Don't Have To!

Well folks, we here at CD really care about you, and that's why we strive to bring you the best advice possible.  Additionally, we will occasionally try something really dumb just so you don't have to.  In the current scenario, two experienced-at-doing-dumb-things Cylcle-Dumb athletes raced 100 miles sick.  No, contrary to popular belief, it was not the swine flu that infected these athletes; it was just a regular run-of-the mill chest cold.

It was discovered by these two athletes that you really can't fake a hundred miler.  One might be able to fake the first 50 miles or so, but after that, it becomes a Death March just to get one's burning chest and phlegm-filled orifices to the finish line.   In fact, this trying experience even left one (normally fairly enthusiastic) athlete to proclaim she's done, she quits, no more racing ever again.  (She has since decided she might be convinced otherwise).

Thus, the official CD advice is as follows: When faced with the common chest cold, feel free to race any distance up to and including 50 miles.  Just don't venture beyond, unless you want to be left coughing up large UPhO's (unidentified phlemgy objects), and clinging to your little furry friends immediately after the fact.  

Or,perhaps, just haggard and like you need a cookie.  

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Always be Drinking!

It's always that time of year, but at the beginning of a new season we need to be reminded to be always drinking.

Bi-atches like to drink- coffee, beer, water.
Not always in that order, nor all three at once.

Starting today you should look at your drinking a little closer, and to aid you in this I've come up with this new Drinking Strategy-
1 coffee, 1 water.
1 beer, 1 water.
1 water, 1 coffee or beer.

Easy to remember.
Good way to drink lots and yet stay hydrated.
We here at C-D don't really think that beer and coffee should *regularly* be drunk together, though from time to time it does happen.

Now get out there and DRINK!

Time to start thinking

I'm not exactly sure of just what.

Listening to Led Zeppelin?
Riding inside in a thong?
Enjoying the nice days when they crop up?
Suffering through the usual winter days?
Finding a new Unicorn Helmet?

Just look over there to your left and do *something*!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Still the off season?

Not riding yet?
That's cool, me too.
Still need some fun.
Go run, run, run.
I know that's not that fun but it gets the job done.
Find a ledge and do some of those plyometric thingies these will certainly give you a nice tight bum.
Dizzy yet?
Do some more.
Vomit, good!
So repeat some.
Rubber legs you will have and feel real dumb.

Bye bye, peace and always have fun!